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DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.3.20-25

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Авторы :
1. Ruslan A. Grigoryev, PhD (Economics)
Portsmouth University, Portsmuth, Great Britain

2. Marat V. Kramin, Master of Finance
George Washington Universi ty, Washington, USA

3. Timur V. Kramin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of Scientific-research Institute for Social-economic Development Issues
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), Russia

Import substitution and integration processes of corporate management as tools for competitiveness development of the Russian regions under modern conditions

Objective: to identify and systematize the key factors of international competitiveness of the Russian regions and identify the key areas of its improvement.

Methods: institutional and systemic approaches, factor and comparative analysis.

Results: The key current problems of agriculture in Russia are highlighted; promising areas of support to Russian agriculture under the WTO restrictions are identified. The Republic of Tatarstan is viewed as an example, as it has the potential to become a food donor of federal significance. The model of the import substitution project implementation is formed, in which a сentral place belongs to the regional import substitution strategy.

Scientific novelty: a high potential of WTO "green basket" measures in the sphere of the Russian agro-industrial complex support is grounded. The model of import substitution project is constructed, based on the regional import substitution strategy, which includes interaction with the project stakeholders and takes into account the impact of internal and external institutional environments on the project.

Practical value: the research results can be used for the formation of the federal program of import substitution in Russia, as well as for the formation of regional strategies of import substitution.

Ключевые слова :

import substitution; regional strategy; institutional environment; integration potential of the region; WTO "green basket"; agriculture

Cписок литературы :

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3. Timiryasova, A.V. Formirovanie nauchno-obrazovatel'nykh klasterov kak vazhneishego elementa strategii razvitiya sistemy obrazovaniya Respubliki Tatarstan (Forming scientific-educational clusters as an important element of the education system development strategy in Tatarstan Republic). Aktual'nye problemy ekonomiki i prava, 2012, no. 1 (21), pp. 69–74.
4. Kramin, T.V. Upravlenie transaktsionnymi izderzhkami v sisteme upravleniya stoimost'yu kompanii (Transaction costs management in the cost management system of a company). Ekonomicheskie nauki, 2007, no. 31, pp. 140–146.
5. Timiryasova, A.V., Kramin, T.V., Kramin, M.V. Kolichestvennaya otsenka vliyaniya faktorov mezhdunarodnoi konkurentosposobnosti regionov Rossii (Quantitative assessment of the influence of international competitiveness factors of the Russian regions). Aktual'nye problemy ekonomiki i prava, 2014, no. 1 (29), pp. 156–165.Received 26.08.14

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