
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.06.2012.4.231-236

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Authors :
1. Galina Yuryevna Nosanenko, PhD (Politics), Associate Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)

Prerequisites of forming a police state in Russia

The article describes the main trends in Russia development in the end of 17th – beginning of the 18th c. The characteristic features of reforms started by Aleksey Mikhailovich (Tishaishiy) and continued by Peter the Great are described.
The Peter’s reforms are viewed as an effective tool of Russia modernization, its turning into an Empire and “police state”.

Keywords :

absolutism; autocracy; bureaucratic apparatus; regular army; church schism; reforms; law and order maintenance; common good; police state

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