
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.2.221-226

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Authors :
1. Artem O. Gryaznov, Post-graduate student
Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevskiy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Relationship between the criminal proceduer setting and the objectives of public prosecution

Objective: on the basis of the doctrine, legislation and practice, to make conclusions about the degree of efficiency of such participants in the criminal proceedings, as the detective, investigator, Prosecutor, judge, and to analyze the observance and implementation of such important principles as adversary, equality of the parties and presumption of innocence from the point of view of the thorough study of their practical application.

Methods: dialectical method, analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, and specific scientific methods of scientific cognition.

Results: the actual position was determined of the subjects of criminal proceedings from the point of view of feasibility of basic principles of criminal proceedings, not in legislative but in practical aspect.

Scientific novelty: Often the position of criminal proceeding subjects, their authority, role, and status are analyzed from the point of view of legislative norms. It also true for criminal proceedings. In the article an attempt is made to analyze with the new position the relationship of the criminal process setting and the objectives of public prosecution in the modern period of development of criminal procedural science.

Practical value: the criminal proceedings is an essential element in the aspect of the citizens’ rights protection, thus it is obvious that the position of the criminal proceedings participants should objective and transparent, and the criminal proceedings principles should be implemented. The article shows the problems and proposes was of their solution, which are of objective interest. The research results can be applied in practice and taken into account when making changes in the legislation.

Keywords :

public prosecution; criminal procedure; investigator; Prosecutor; judge; adversarial principle; pre-trial proceedings

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