
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.2.210-220

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Authors :
1. Oleg A. Pogudin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Academy of Law and Management of the Russian Federal Service of Punishment Execution, Ryazan, Russia

On the social-labour relations in the Russian penitentiary system

Objective: to state irrationality of the existing wages-forming system of the sentenced to imprisonment as the most important component of social-labor relations in the penitentiary system and to justify the necessity of its reorganization, including by restoring the functions of labour norms.

Methods: dialectical method of studying the phenomena and processes, abstract-logical method, method of analysis, synthesis, comparison of empirical and statistical data.

Results: the position is justified, according to which the pay increase of convicts is based on the development and technological re-equipment of industrial production of the criminal-executive system, and is intended to be linked with both positive dynamics of production and economic activity of the criminal-executive system and effective the institution of their work rating.

Scientific novelty: the strategic relationship is identified between the wages of convicts and the state of industrial production in the penitentiary system. The futility is proved of solving social and labour problems in the penitentiary system on the "institutional principles" that ignore the content of the objective law of value.

Practical value: is manifested in the ability to improve the management of social and labor processes (for example, to ensure the effective application of "social lifts" system to convicts) in the penitentiary system, including norm-setting activities of its central authority.

Keywords :

criminal-executive system; production in the penitentiary system; wages of convicts; the minimum wage; the work rating; average monthly output of convicts

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