
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.2.17-24

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Authors :
1. Liliya A. Otstavnova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A., Saratov, Russia

Research approaches to the analysis of «man-production» relations

Objective: to identify and describe research approaches, used in the analysis of the relationship between humans and production.

Methods: in this work, we have applied the methods of grouping, describing and historical and logical method.

Results: basing on the characteristics of the main approaches used in the analysis of «man-production» relations, and taking into account the focus of the research, it was established that the application of institutional, systematic, quantitative, regulatory, legislative, structural, functional and integrated approaches allows to pay equal attention to both production and man. Organic, humanistic, reproductive and situational approaches focus primarily on the man, while economic, procedural, structural and marketing approaches focus on production. The distribution of each approach to a particular group is justified.

Scientific novelty: the author presents a classification of research approaches to the analysis of the «man-production» relations system, consisting of two subsystems. Each approach is given a detailed characteristic of both man and production, that allows to evaluate the possibility of using these approaches and increasing the efficiency of this system research.
Research approaches to the analysis
of «man-production» relations
Practical value: is manifested in the ability to optimize the use of research approaches to the analysis of the «man-production» relations system to identify problems and ways to address them.

Keywords :

social and labour relations; human resources; production; economic institutions; system; organizational structure; situational behavior; process approach; reproduction of human resources; marketing; standardization of work; vertical integration

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