
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.06.2012.3.5-10

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Authors :
1. Leonid Aleksandrovich Bogunov, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor
North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayeva, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan Republic

Innovative aspects in individual economic thinking: content, formation and development aspects

The intensity of the modern political-economic reforms determines the larger need for individual social-economic adaptive capabilities, causing the necessity to search for the mechanisms of its promotion. The actualization of the corresponding mechanisms should be carried out not only by the state, but by an individual as well. This problem can be solved, in particular, by the subject’s economic thinking. The article views the levels of economic thinking realization, ways of its forming and development, and the main stages of the state participation in creating conditions for realization of innovative constituents of economic thinking.

Keywords :

economic thinking; innovative economic thinking; individual economic thinking; subject economic thinking; forming and development of economic thinking

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