
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.06.2012.2.126-134

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Authors :
1. Aleksandra Anatolyevna Shabunova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Institute for Social-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vologda)

2. Galina Valentinovna Leonidova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Institute for Social-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vologda)

Quality of labour resources in Russia: regional aspect

The article reveals the issues of labour resources formation, their quality characteristics in Russia and in the definite region – Vovlogda region. Basing on the dara of prediction estimations, the authors show that inmedium-term prospective we can see the reduction of unit weight of working-age population, growth of demographic burden on working-age population. Basing on sociological research, the changes of quality characteristics of working people are shown. The importance of increasing the innovative activity of workers and factors hindering this increase are shown.

Keywords :

 volume of labour resources; quality characteristics of labour potential; innovative activity

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