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DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.1.48-54

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Авторы :
1. Илья Игоревич Болотов, кандидат экономических наук
Пражский экономический университет

The internal balance of the eu new member states during the financial and economic crisis: a case study of the importance of foreign capital inflow structure

This paper describes and analyses the two transmission channels, foreign trade and capital inflows, by which the global crisis influenced the internal balance of the new member states of the European Union, taking into account the specifics of their economies and with emphasis on the importance of their foreign capital inflow structure, i.e. the share of long-term and short-term and credit capital in the total capital inflows. It shows, based on macroeconomic data, that the financial channel seemed indeed to have greater negative influence on the countries internal balance. The paper is based on analysis of data from official sources: Eurostat, the European Central Bank and the World Bank

Ключевые слова :

foreign capital inflow structure, new EU member states, crisis, openness to foreign trade, openness to foreign capital

Cписок литературы :

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