
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.94-102

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Authors :
1. Anna S. Borisova, post-graduate student
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

Analitical estimation of electronic government development in the Russian regions basing on systemic-functional approach

Objective: to define the methodological approach to the analysis of e-government development in the Russian regions.

Methods: systematic approach, the method of analytical assessment, methods of comparative, descriptive, structural-functional analysis.

Results: using the results of comparative analysis of existing methodological approaches to the evaluation of e-governments, the author has elaborated the methodology of the the analysis of e-government development in the Russian regions. The system of management activities is proposed for the development of regional e-government projects based on global factors and trends in e-government development. The information-analytical system of the monitoring of electronic government of the region is designed, which calculates the index of e-government development in accordance with the proposed methodology and defines the corrective measures for each region devending on the indeces of e-government functions implementation.

Scientific novelty: the method of assessment of e-government development is comprehensive and takes into account the development of projects for each e-government function: e-administration, e-services, e-management and e-democracy.

Practical value: the author's approach to analytical estimation of e-government development can be used for complex monitoring and assessment of the rendered state e-services for various Russian regions.

Keywords :

e-government; method of assessment; systemic-functional approach; development factors; development trends; system of managerial activities; information-analytical system; index of e-government development

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Citation :

Borisova A. S. Analitical estimation of electronic government development in the Russian regions basing on systemic-functional approach, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 94–102.

Type of article : The scientific article

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