
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.77-83

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Authors :
1. Andrey V. Artemyev, PhD (Economics)
Kazan Institute (branch) of Russian State University for Trade and Economics, Kazan, Russia

2. Natalya A. Aksyonova, PhD (Economics)
Kazan Institute (branch) of Russian State University for Trade and Economics, Kazan, Russia

The role of new methods of state management in preserving and developing the human capital as the basis of the modern economy growth

Objective: to reflect the critical importance of human capital as the basis for economic growth and competitiveness of the country; to identify and justify the importance of new forms and methods of state governance aimed at the preservation and development of human potential in all aspects.

Methods: systematic approach; abstract-logic method, method of observation.

Results: basing on the study of expert opinions in the field of human capital preservation and development, the necessity is proved to optimize the principles of state management in the sphere of human capital preservation and development.

Scientific novelty: the estimation is carried out of new methods and principles of state control in the sphere of human capital preservation and development; approaches are defined to estimate the needs in labour resources , including migration ones, harmonized with the demand in all sectors of the economy.

Practical value: possibility for state power executive bodies to use the proposed approaches when calculating the balance of labor resources.

Keywords :

human capital; economic growth; investing in human potential; productivity; labour resources migration; personnel training; state personnel policy; state administration

Bibliography :

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3. http://www.iep.ru/
4. Padenie intellektual'nogo potentsiala Rossii v rezul'tate reformy vysshego obrazovaniya neizbezhno (Declining of the intellectual potential of Russia as a result of higher education reform is inevitable). Vestnik Rossiiskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta im. G. V. Plekhanova. 2013, no. 7 (61), pp. 5–13 (in Russ.).
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Citation :

Artemyev A. V., Aksyonova N. A. The role of new methods of state management in preserving and developing the human capital as the basis of the modern economy growth, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 77–83.

Type of article : The scientific article

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