
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.72-76

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Authors :
1. Vladimir V. Shablistiy, PhD (Law), Associate Professor
Dnepropetrovsk State University for Internal Affairs, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

On the systemic character of criminal-legal provision of corruption counteraction in Ukraine

Objective: to scientifically ground the need to use the systemic method in legal provision of protection against corruption law breaches.

Methods: systemic-structural method, allowing to determine the position of corruption among other threats to security of a human being.

Results: basing on the carried out analysis of normative-legal acts and research results, the necessity of all kinds of legal process is proved (especially the law-making one), taking into account the mental, ideological, psychological and other features of people when implementing the foreign experience of corruption counteraction.

Scientific novelty: further developed the provision of the need to normatively confirm the dominant role of a person in forming the state policy in general and the criminal one in particular. The state can not properly ensure the security of a person, which is a prerequisite for their rights and freedoms. Thus special attention is paid to the scientific elaboration of measures for preventing the corruption law breaches.

Practical value: the provisions formulated in the article can be used in further scientific research referring to the organizational-legal measures of corruption counteraction, as well as in law-making activity when harmonization of the national legislation with international acts.

Keywords :

a human being; law; security; corruption; corruption law breaches; criminal law; systemic character

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Citation :

Shablistiy V. V. On the systemic character of criminal-legal provision of corruption counteraction in the Ukraine, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, рр. 72–76.

Type of article : The scientific article

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