
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.39-48

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Authors :
1. Yulia N. Klimova, PhD (Law), Associate Professor
Vladimir State University named after A. G.and N. G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia

Corruption factors in election procedure: approaches to determining and algorythm of strategic managerial influence

Objective: to develop and describe the algorithm of strategic management impacts on criminological situation of a constituency and to develop qualitative and quantitative indicators of the management activities efficiency of the subjects of anti-corruption anti-crime areas of electoral politics.

Methods: operational and structural, legal modeling, sociological and criminal statistics.

Results: the notion is given of corruption-factors and electoral corruption; based on the analysis of domestic and foreign research and copyright empirical criminological research, corruption-factors are highlighted relating to electoral legal relations. Based on the assessment of criminological concepts of political criminology and mass communications criminology, the anti-crime security algorithm is elaborated of managerial influence on corruption-factors of criminological situation in a constituency. Conceptual, technological, resource, time, personnel, organizational elements are proposed, as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators of administrative activities efficiency of the subjects of anti-corruption anti-crime areas of electoral policy.

Scientific novelty: The content of corruption-factors is updated. The specific features of electoral corruption are highlighted, its concept is given. The algorithm of strategic management is proposed, effecting the corruption-factors of criminological situation in a constituency. Formulated qualitative and quantitative criteria for evaluating the subject of anti-corruption anti-crime areas of electoral politics.

Practical value: the possibility of applying the algorithm of strategic managerial influence in the development of appropriate programs to counter electoral corruption, allowing the subject of administrative activity to determine the strategic objectives and tactical tasks depending on the performance of criminological situation in a specific constituency, and take corrective action based on the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative indicators of their activities.

Keywords :

corruption-factors; electoral corruption; algorithm of strategic management impact on corruption-factors; criminological situation in a constituency; anti-corruption direction of anti-crime electoral policy, evaluation of management efficiency of the subjects of anti-crime electoral policy

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Citation :

KlimovaYu. N. Corruption factors in election procedure: approaches to determining and algorythm of strategic managerial infl uence, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 39–48.


Type of article : The scientific article

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