
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.2.102-112

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Authors :
1. Anastasiya A. Kurilova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Char “Finance and Credit”
Togliatti State University

2. Kirill Yu. Kurilov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Char “Finance and Credit”
Togliatti State University

Main factors influencing the fall of sales in the Russian automobile market

Objective: to identify the negative factors affecting the development of the Russian automobile market.

Methods: systemic approach, generalization and comparison of results, method of induction. The findings are based on the research results and observations obtained with the comparative-historical, dialectical-synthetic and abstract-logical methods.

Results: basing on data of the International organization of motor vehicle manufacturers (OICA), the rate of vehicles overproduction worldwide was determined; the analysis of motorization index in various countries allowed to form the forecast for the development of automotive fleet in Russia; basing on the analysis of macroeconomic data, the main factors influencing the development of the Russian automobile market were determined.

Scientific novelty: the regularities of dynamics of development of the global and Russian automobile markets were revealed. The factors influencing the Russian car market were identified.

Practical significance: the Russian car manufacturers can use information about the development of the global and Russian automobile markets to create plans for their activities.

Keywords :

 Economy and national economy management; Automobile industry; Sector of vehicles production; Dynamics of the global automobile industry; Demand for cars; Forecast of development of the Russian automobile industry; Program 2020

Bibliography :

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Citation :

 Kurilova A. A., Kurilov K. Yu. Main factors influencing the fall of sales in the Russian automobile market, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 102–112.

Type of article : The scientific article

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