
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.1.189-196

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Authors :
1. Natalya N. Raskatova, PhD (Law)
Russian State University for Justice, Moscow, Russia

2. Nikolay D. Gribov, law consultant
Gymnasium № 1507, Moscow, Russia

Simplification of the appeal procedure in the Russian civilistic procedure

Objective: to prove the importance of simplified appeal procedure in achieving the goals of justice.

Methods: a number of general scientific and specific methods were used. Special methods included legal interpretation, historical, comparative-legal, systemic and other methods of scientific cognition.

Results: the paper analyzes foreign legislation and practice of the European court of Human Rights on simplification of judicial act checking procedures. The simplified appeal process is aimed at reducing the case load on judges of second instance, guaranteeing the realization of the right to appeal, reducing of terms of consideration of the appeal complaints and speeding up the entry of court decision into legal force. In order to achieve the guarantees of the persons participating in the case, an oral or written trial in a simplified appeal procedure shall be determined in accordance with the will of the person submitting the complaint.

Scientific novelty: the article is a scientific contribution to the study of simplified proceedings in civil cases. It formulates the authors’ vision of the essence of a simplified appeal procedure, and provides suggestions for creating effective simplified appeal procedures to respect the rights of persons participating in the case.

Practical significance: the main provisions of the article can be used in teaching, in research activities in the study of problems associated with the simplified appeal proceedings, for improving the domestic civil procedure law.


Keywords :

Civil law; Court procedure; Appeal; Appeal process; Simplification; Simplified proceedings on appeal; Small claim; Court load

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Raskatova N. N., Gribov N. D. Simplification of the appeal procedure in the Russian civilistic procedure, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, No. 1, pp. 189–196.

Type of article : The scientific article

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