
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.1.144-153

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Authors :
1. Veronika A. Per’kova, lawyer in the sphere of designing and promotion of legal initiatives
Fund for internet-initiatives development

Forms of treaties for organization of innovative goods marketing

Objective: to identify various ways of innovative products marketing, as well as the contract forms most demanded by innovative business that are used in innovative products marketing.

Methods: the methodological basis of the study was both general scientific methods (systemic, structural, dialectical, formal logical (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, etc.) methods, the method of a philosophical nature) and specific methods: the method of dogmatic analysis (interpretation of legal norms and legal structures), formal-legal, structural-functional.

Results: it was stated that marketing is the final stage of innovation process, which is commercializing the innovation, i.e. obtains profit through its sales, therefore, it is important to allocate the contractual structures that mediate sales and distribution of innovative products. It is shown that using contractual forms of organization of innovative products sales, the parties determine the marketing scheme for the produced goods, and thereby create, modify, and stop the property relations of the parties, thus the contracts, whose ultimate goal of signing and execution is marketing of innovations, can be identified as organizational by their legal nature. The contractual forms that mediate marketing of innovative products, include the contracts of sale, agency agreements, presented in the Russian civil legislation by the contract of agency, contract of commission and agency agreements, as well as franchising agreements. Besides, in the practice of civil turnover, there are mixed contracts, contracts based on the freedom principle, and the connecting elements of several contractual structures. Mixed contracts include distributor contracts.

Scientific novelty: for the first time, the article comprehensively defines contractual forms of organization of innovative products marketing, depending on the means of its distribution, and describes the legal nature of emerging relationships for innovations marketing.

Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used by representatives of the innovative companies in their law enforcement practice, as well as in developing practical recommendations for further legal research on this subject and the preparation of educational and methodological literature.

Keywords :

Civil law; Innovative products; Marketing of goods; Selling of products; Mediation agreements; Agency agreements; Commission; Delivery; Sale; Distribution agreement; Commercial concession

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Citation :

Per’kova V. A. Forms of treaties for organization of innovative goods marketing, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, No. 1, pp. 144–153.

Type of article : The scientific article

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