
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/2782-2923.2021.3.540-555

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Authors :
1. Gennadiy N. Gorshenkov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law
Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevskiy

Corruption as a criminological category

Objective: to present the key ideas of the “corruption” criminological category.
Methods: the generally accepted methodology is used as a system of primary knowledge about the methods and techniques of scientific activity focused on the subject and goals of this personalized research. It is based on dialectical and systemsynergetic approaches that open up the possibilities of scientific research in the field of extremely complex, contradictory, multidimensional social relations and processes inherent in corruption as a negative socio-legal phenomenon that is in unity and interaction with a positive socio-legal phenomenon – anti-corruption.
Results: the ideas of concretization of the concept of corruption are systematized, as a doctrinal and normative category, expressing the features of the parameters of its assessment as an object of political, legal and law enforcement influences. The “narrowly criminological” view on corruption is interpreted through the prism of a background phenomenon (the “background” is understood as a corruption-mental soil that produces crimes characterized by corruption). The “doctrinal” feature of corruption is highlighted – that is, institutionality, or connection with social relations that function
and develop in the parameters determined by the norms and rules of behavior and people’s activity. The systematicity is considers – the internal optimizing force of the institutionality of corruption, which represents an extremely tangible destructive threat to the metasystem (“state society”), which unites the (under)systems of state and municipal management, the business system, etc., where the destructive influence of corruption is inevitable. The institutionality of corruption is considered through a managerial prism, because the system of “corruption management” intercepts and implements the functions of state and municipal management, but with its own profiteering. The provisions on the prevention of corruption are formulated, as the most promising direction and type of counteraction
that determines moral-educational, legal-educational, organizational-managerial and other measures.
Scientific novelty: innovative ideas of scientific (nonlinear) understanding of corruption are proposed, as a conceptual category of criminology – a general theory of the anti-criminal cycle, more precisely, a private criminological theory of corruption issues.
Practical significance: the provisions and conclusions are focused on the theory and practice of corruption as a scientific basis for combating corruption, i.e. systematization and, as a result, a system of knowledge about corruption as an object of managerial (law enforcement) influence, methods of its research, as well as the development of provisions for political optimization of anti-corruption.

Keywords :
Criminal law and criminology; corruption; corruptiology; functionality; mentality; self-organizing system; self-determination; corruption management; destructiveness; deinstitutionalization

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Citation :
Gorshenkov G. N. Corruption as a criminological category, Russian Journal of Economics and Law, 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 540–555 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/2782-2923.2021.3.540-555

Type of article : The scientific article

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